
During the Crusades, Joachim’s monastic habit has become like a second skin. Enveloped by the darkness of the world, his life intertwines with dreamlike experiences and mystical visions. A river of oil appears before his eyes. The ascetic receives divine revelations, prophecies, and visions that only his heart can unveil. His final endeavor is humanity’s greatest challenge: to overcome the apocalypse.

Joachim and the Apocalypse
The age we live in is marked by wars, conflicts and crises, as well as economic, social and existential uncertainties. A Monk living in the Middle Ages had a vision of all this, a good eight centuries before our time. In the mountains of Sila (southern Italy), the Monk transformed his visions into images (figurae) and symbols to form the Liber Figurarum, or “Book of Figures.” After more than 800 years this ancient medieval illuminated codex is still with us and is now preserved in England, at Oxford.

30th March 1202 AD. Joachim awakens from an apocalyptic dream. It is the last day of his life. The elderly monk reveals to his disciple all the things he has learnt from experiencing nature and the silence of abbeys. In the rugged mountains, he founds his monastery on hope, naming it "Fiore" (Flower). He would go on to write on parchment the prophecy of the "Third Age", which would begin in the Middle Ages and last until the end of time. It would be an era of spiritual freedom and personal development. When he is summoned to the Court of Richard I of England, he explains to the king the meaning of the seven-headed Dragon in the Book of Revelation. Joachim returns to the snowy mountains for his new journey, knowing that he has now sown strong roots and conscious of the fact that "Flower is not yet fruit" but "it is the hope of fruit".